
Wikipedia and the nation’s story: Towards equity in knowledge production

Funded by the Australian Research Council: 2022-2025

Role: Lead CI (with Dr Tamson Pietsch and Dr Michael Falk)

As the world’s largest source of public information, Wikipedia is a crucial site in which national stories are made. This project aims to institute a critical approach to understanding Wikipedia by investigating how it produces knowledge in its coverage of Australian historic events. The project expects to advance digital media studies, utilizing an innovative conceptual approach to undertake the first systematic examination of events from a national perspective. Expected outcomes include an expanded evaluation framework and an international research collaboration. This should provide significant benefits, building research capacity and creating tools to help generate more equitable coverage for millions of users in Australia and beyond.

Addressing Misinformation with Media Literacy through Cultural Institutions

Funded by the Australian Research Council: 2023-2025

Role: CI (Lead CI is Dr Tanya Notley)

Misinformation can harm democratic processes, social cohesion and public health outcomes. Media literacy public cultural institutions to increase adult media literacy. Through an action-based, mixed methods approach, prepares citizens for misinformation by developing critical analysis abilities. This project partners with Australian the project investigates adults’ experiences with online misinformation and assesses their ability to identify and challenge it. Research findings will inform the design and evaluation of targeted evidence-based media literacy training and resources that will be shared across broadcast media, physical spaces and online. Through these initiatives Australians will be better equipped to combat misinformation.

The International Digital Policy Observatory

Funded by the Australian Research Council: 2023-2024

Role: CI (Lead CI is Professor Terry Flew)

This project aims to develop an International Digital Policy Observatory, which is the world’s first comprehensive database to track developments in digital/Internet regulation internationally. The facility will provide a unique means of fostering collaboration on research into the effectiveness of different approaches to regulation, and allow these researchers to provide insights to the ICT industry, policy-makers, and advocacy groups, through the realtime capturing and sharing of digital and internet policy initiatives across 50 countries. This will provide significant benefits in placing Australian at the forefront of regulatory best practice in the digital economy, by tracking policy initiatives in the global digital economy.


Funded by UTS

Role: Lead CI (with Dr Simon Knight)

The QuestionMachines project examines the implications of question answering systems, knowledge graphs and other automated knowledge systems for society. Such systems are currently embedded in some of the world’s most popular technology such as smart search engines, smart speakers, smart watches and digital assistants in mobile phones. We ask questions of question-answering (QA) machines in order to highlight their hidden knowledge production processes, and to reimagine their design.